You watched in awe, at the red white and blue on the 4th of July

Tonight was 4th of July, and there were celebrations a-plenty, namely an enormous fireworks display over the East River, which lies between Brooklyn and Manhattan. Earlier in the day i took a walk over Manhattan Bridge after visiting Little Italy and China Town, and after the fireworks i went to Times Square. If you’ve never been to Times Square, imagine what the world would look like if you worked in marketing for 25 years and then took enough LSD to kill a horse. It gave me the shakes, to be honest.

Pictures pictures pictures…

This is the new architecture piece of New York, an artificial waterfall under Brooklyn Bridge. I think it’s quite cool.


Brooklyn Bridge leading into Manhattan

Fireworks (are rather difficult to photograph):

The Empire State Building ‘colored’ red, white and blue (sorry bout poor picture quality):

Grand Central Station and the Chrysler Building:

3 responses to “You watched in awe, at the red white and blue on the 4th of July


    A chief examiner has revealed that students can be awarded marks for writing obscenities in their GCSE papers. Peter Buckroyd, from the Assessment and Qualifications Alliance, reports that one pupil who wrote “Fuck Off” as an answer in an English paper was not penalised. Instead, the student was given two marks for spelling the expletive correctly and conveying a meaning.

    The Week 5.7.08

  2. thats the best thing ive heard all week

  3. I was in New York for St Patricks Day earlier this year and that was pretty spectacular. The sight of thousands upon thousands of Americans making a simultaneous and implausible claim to be from a small island several thousand miles away on the basis of some dubious geneology is surely one of the strangest on the planet.

    All good natured stuff though, until half-way through the parade comes the giant banner of Bobby Sands accompanied with shouts of ‘tiocfaidh ar la, up the ra’.

    Odd place New York.

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